Preparatory courses of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Preparatory courses / Methodological center "Chemistry" of the Educational Quality Monitoring Institute
Center address is 03056, Kyiv-56, Peremogy Avenue 37, "KPI", educational building №4, aud.165. The director of the center is Larysa Gryshchenko. For more information call: tel./fax (044) 204-86-21
Applications are accepted from August 30. You should carry with you:
- a photocopy of the first and second pages of the passport or birth certificate;
- photos sized 3'4 cm;
- photocopy of the school progress record for the previous academic year (if the secondary education is completed take a photocopy of the document of finishing);
The application is filled with your own hand!!!
Training starts in October 1 this year and lasts seven months. Tuition fee is performed according to the standard estimate PCF. Studies on preparatory courses (full-time education) are held three times a week in the university building № 4 from 16:10 till 18:30. Studies for an external degree provide a flexible combination of full-time and distance education and ensure high quality education for entering to the university regardless of the residence.
Overview lectures and consultations are held on Saturdays from 10 a.m. according to the schedule approved by the dean of the CTF.
By the end of training students who have successfully completed the curriculum on conditions that student passes independent testing on professionally oriented courses successfully, optionally are guaranteed to be enrolled to the chemical specialties of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute to the government-subsidized (free) places.
The Branch of Preparatory Courses Faculty (PCF) of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute works on the CTF of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute since 1998. In 2001 the branch was reorganized into Methodological center "Chemistry" of the Educational Quality Monitoring Institute. Center performs high quality selection, professional orientation and basic training of youth before entering to the chemical engineering, chemical biology and ecological specialties of the University and also adapts the applicants to the future education at the university.
The education system is module and rating with full methodologies. Training is performed on professionally oriented on such disciplines as chemistry and mathematics. Skilled professors of the university who have experience of many years working in the polytechnic lyceum "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and preparing the youth for entrance examinations were involved to the work.
It offers students a full-time and distance education.
During the education, students get acquainted with the history of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and its faculties, its traditions and achievements; the main departments directions that train specialists in chemical, environmental and biotechnological specialties obtain reasonable recommendations of their future professions, they are informed about job prospects after graduation, write essay on corresponding topic.