Disciplines (5th year)
Special sections of chemical technology of inorganic substances. 2. Theoretical bases, technology and equipment of adsorption and water purification processes
Adsorption, adsorbents and catalysts based on them
Modern problematic issues of the chemical technology of inorganic substances
Precision methods for analysis of inorganic substances
Chemical technology of catalysts and catalytic processes
Algorithmization and programming of scientific and technical calculations
Designing of manufactures of inorganic substances
Technology and equipment for obtaining drinking and technical water
Wastewater Treatment Technology
Theory of the processes of production of inorganic substances
Special sections of chemical technology of inorganic substances
Information support of scientific research
Technology of neutralization and utilization of gas and solid waste in inorganic industries
Chemical technology of soda and soda products
Factors of successful employment in the specialty
Fundamentals of technological design 2 Systems of automatic design
Fundamentals of technological design
Fundamentals of Scientific Research