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Master research practice

Research practice (curriculum)

Research practice is one of the elements of educational and scientific training programs for masters. The purpose of the research practice is to systematize, expand and consolidate professional knowledge, the formation of skills to set goals, analyze the results and draw conclusions, the acquisition and development of the experience of independent research work.

The main objective of the practice is to gain experience in the study of an actual scientific problem, as well as the selection of the necessary materials for the dissertation.

During the research practice, the student must:

to study:

  • patent and literature sources on the topic being developed for the purpose of their use in the performance of attestation work;
  • research methods and experimental work;
  • operating rules for research equipment;
  • methods of analysis and processing of experimental data;
  • information technologies in scientific research, software products related to the professional sphere;
  • requirements for the design of scientific documentation;
    to perform:
  • analysis, systematization and synthesis of scientific and technical information on the topic of research;
  • theoretical or experimental research within the framework of assigned tasks;
  • analysis of the reliability of the results;
  • comparison of the results of research of the object of development with domestic and foreign counterparts;
  • analysis of the scientific and practical significance of the research results.


In 2018 19 students of the Department took part in research practice, of which 9 were engaged in research at various institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Place  Address  Number of students 
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 02094, Kiev, st. Murmansk, 1  1
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, NAS of Ukraine 03142, Kiev, Academic Palladin Ave., 32/34  1
Institute of Colloid Chemistry and Water Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 03142, Kiev, Vernadsky Avenue, 42  2
Institute of Sorption and Problems of Endoecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 03680, Kiev, st. General Naumov, 13  2
Institute of Physical Chemistry, NAS of Ukraine 03028, Kiev, 31 Science Ave.  2
Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine 03680, Kiev, st. Krzhizhanovsky, 3  1

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