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The department has a scientific school "Chemistry and technology of production of inorganic products, water treatment and utilization of industrial waste", founded in 1902. Today, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Ihor Astrelin is the head of the scientific school.

Detailed information about the scientific school and scientific directions


Over the past 10 years, more than 850 scientific articles have been published by the representatives of the department scientific school, including 30 articles in foreign journals included in the scientific databases Scopus and Web of Science.

Detailed information about the representatives of the school

List of publications of the department


There are postgraduate and doctoral programs at the department for two scientific specialties: "Technology of water purification" and "Technology of inorganic substances" and there is a doctoral specialty.

The scientific achievements and developments of the department and its scientific school have been implemented in more than 40 enterprises of Ukraine and foreign industrial firms.

The department had founded the "double diploma", according to which undergraduate students, post-graduate students and doctorates from 6 months to 2 years undergo training and scientific training and research internships at the universities of France and Norway for the first time in Ukraine (since 2006). Scientific internships started in research centers and firms, in universities of Switzerland, Denmark, the USA, the Netherlands, Norway, South Korea, China, Italy (more than 40 masters received a double diploma, 5 masters were enrolled in graduate school abroad, 2 defended the same Ph.D).

Detailed information about foreign partners


Scientific research is carried out in the framework of international projects:

Water Harmoni "Erasmus+", Water Harmony II (European Union programs), in which the universities of Norway, Poland, Germany, Sri Lanka, the People's Republic of China, Ukraine, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and Kyrgyzstan participate.

WH II logo

The achievement of these projects is the scientific training of faculty and students of the department abroad. In the framework of cooperation in the Eurasian project, a textbook on "Physico-chemical methods of water purification" was written and published. Water Management ".

Joint scientific and technical projects between Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and Huizhou University (China) (2 projects).


The project "Preparation and use of metals (Ni, Co) and metal oxides (SnO2, MnO2, FexOy) deposited on carbon nanotubes" was carried out by our reseachers in China and fully funded by the University of Huizhou (China). As a result of the project, experimental samples of nanocomposites based on carbon nanotubes and metals or metal oxides, which are studied in electrokinetic systems and in model fuel cells and other applications, were obtained.

Detailed information about international programs


There are 2 scientific student groups "Nanochemistry" and "Nanomaterials. Nanotechnology", in which students conduct research on contemporary nanochemistry and explore nanomaterials in applied aspects at the Department since 2011. Bachelors of 3-4 courses of study, masters and specialists take part in the circles. The leaders of the circles are: Ph.D., Assoc. prof. І.М. Ivanenko and Ph.D., Assoc. prof. T.A. Dontsova The results of the circles are numerous publications (articles and materials of conferences), patents and testing in the form of participation of students at international conferences.

Details about the groups

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