Ecosoft — international manufacturer of filters for water purification, founded in 1991 in Ukraine. One of five unique global manufacturers offering the full range of products: from jug filters to industrial reverse osmosis systems.
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«Arterium» Co. — Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Company, established in 2005. The Corporation unites Kyivmedpreparat and Halychpharm. Kyivmedpreparat has been manufacturing medicines since 1847. The product portfolio of the company consists of generic and original medicines in the following forms: injection powders, tablets, capsules, powders and oral granules, soft dosage forms. Since 2006, the company also makes veterinary preparations. "Halychpharm" manufactures medicines from 1911. The product portfolio of the company includes generic and original medicines in the forms: solutions for injections and infusions, tablets, solutions for external and internal usage.
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PJSC "Farmak" is a Ukrainian manufacturer of medicines of the European level. Thanks to the quality of innovation, Farmak since 2010 is the leader of the pharmaceutical market in Ukraine and the largest exporter of medicines. The company has 19 production lines that meet the requirements of GMP. 14 production lines are certified by the European regulatory authority. All equipment of the leading European brands: Siemmens, GEMÜ, AQUAFLOT, SBM, Bosch. From 2015, PJSC "Farmak" has its own complex of substances manufacturing (department of production of AFI) in Shostka, whose planned capacity is 100 tons of substances per year.
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Private joint-stock company "Rivneazot" OSTCHEM - one of the largest enterprises in Ukraine for the production of mineral fertilizers and adipic acid. The company is located in the western part of Ukraine not far from the city of Rivne. "Rivne Azot" OSTCHEM produces ammoniac saltpeter, liquid ammonia, ammonia water technical, adipic acid, liquid nitrogen, oxygen in cylinders, liquid carbon dioxide, cyclohexanone, technical oxygen, dry ice, liquid nitrogen, truffle mix "Rivne NPK", lower dicarboxylic acids purified , cube residue of cyclohexanol. OSTCHEM products are known not only in Ukraine, but also exported to more than 40 countries (EU countries, Africa, Asia, CIS).
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PJSC NCC "Borshchagovskiy Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant" is an innovative pharmaceutical company of European level, which successfully combines scientific potential and high-tech modern production in a single effective complex; produces products according to world quality standards; is a reliable partner who clearly fulfills its obligations and acts on the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation.
PJSC "Borschagovsky CPP" is the first pharmaceutical company in Ukraine that fully implemented European and international quality standards (GMP, ISO 9001), distribution (GDP), environmental management (ISO 14001), energy management (ISO 50001), health protection Employee Safety (OHSAS 18001) and Social Responsibility (SA 8000).
The enterprise has a balanced product portfolio: medicines (more than 100 items), veterinary medicine products, dietary / nutritional supplements (BAAs), disinfectants; is one of the leading places in the volume of production and sale of finished medicines among Ukrainian manufacturers; manufactures products of various price groups and is socially oriented.
PJSC "Pharmaceutical Firm "Darnitsa"- one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Ukraine.
Specializes in manufacturing:
solid dosage forms (tablets, coated tablets, capsules);
solutions for injections in ampoules;
drops (sterile and non sterile);
soft medical forms (ointments, creams, gels, shampoos, solutions for external use);
sterile powders for the preparation of solutions for injection;
infusion solutions.
Pharmaceutical firm "Darnitsa" produces more than 250 names of finished pharmaceuticals. The capacity of the company, located on about 30 thousand m2 of production facilities, allows you to produce more than 460 million ampoules, 4.2 billion tablets, 50 million tubes of soft medical forms, 40 million bottles of drops, 30 million bottles of cephalosporin antibiotics, 15 million bottles of infusion solutions for a year. Darnitsa exports its products to 11 countries of the world.
Ukrplastic OJSC (IMMER Ukrplastic) is the largest producer of flexible packaging materials for food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and other industries in Central and Eastern Europe.
The company produces flexible packaging materials that have excellent appearance, high barrier properties, are efficiently processed on packaging machines, extend the shelf life of products, and are environmentally friendly at all stages of existence.
Joint-Stock Company "Kyiv Research and Design Institute" Energoproekt "(KIEP) has state-of-the-art technologies in the field of design and construction of nuclear and thermal power plants, and also operates in several related industries, which belong to the operation of NPP and TPP. KIEP provides a full range of services, which include pre-project execution, development of integrated project documentation, construction support, engineering support of NPPs and TPPs at all stages of their life cycle.
KP "KYIVTEPLOENERGO" provides the capital of Ukraine with heat and hot water supply. The enterprise carries out licensing activities for production (CHP-5, CHP-6 and others), transportation (OJSC "Kyiv Heating Network") and the supply of heat energy to the residents of Kyiv. Thermal energy is transported by means of main and distribution networks, with a total length of 2.7 thousand km in two-pipe calculation.
Kyiv heat and power plant №5 (Kyiv TPP-5) is intended for centralized maintenance of heat of industrial enterprises, residential and administrative buildings of Kyiv with simultaneous supply of electricity to the power grid of Ukraine.
Kyiv Thermal Power Plant No. 6 (Kyiv TPP-6) - the most powerful state of the year 2012 is the district heating and heating plant in Ukraine. Located in the Kolpito tract on the northeastern outskirts of Kiev in the present Desnianskyi district. The station provides centralized heat supply to industrial enterprises, residential and administrative buildings of the Darnytsky, Dniprovsky, Podolsky, Desniansky and Obolonsky districts of the capital. The electric power of CHP-6 is 500 MW, heat is 1740 Gcal/h.
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is the oldest academic chemical institution in Ukraine, one of the largest centers of chemical science. From a number of topical fundamental and applied problems of modern inorganic, first of all high-temperature physico-inorganic chemistry and electrochemistry, developed at the Institute, it is known not only in our country, but also abroad.
Institute of colloid chemistry and water chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is the only academic institution in the country and countries of the CIS whose activities are completely connected with the integrated solution of all aspects of water chemistry and technology, colloidal and analytical chemistry.
In addition to the above-mentioned institutions and companies, graduates of our department work at the L.V. Pisarzhevsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Molecular Biochemistry and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Bioorganic and Petrochemical Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Sorption and Endoecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, A.O. Chuyk Institute of Surface Chemistry of the NASU, water preparation and water treatment units of Ukrainian nuclear power plants, water departments of Kyiv and other city power plants, water channels of various cities of Ukraine, scientific and expert laboratories and centers, firms for obtaining and selling clean drinking water for everyday life, etc.